Mindo Cloudforest Foundation

Working for Birds and Nature, Empowering People



Mindo Cloudforest Foundation fosters economic opportunities through bird tourism in Pichincha’s Andean Chocó, Ecuador. We aim to sustain the region’s rich biodiversity while supporting a resilient, thriving ecosystem.

A White-necked Jacobin hummingbird photographed by Angie Drake at the Mindo Cloudforest Reserve in Milpe

Bird Tourism

At Mindo Cloudforest Foundation, we strongly believe that aviturismo, tourism focused on birdwatching, is vital in fostering conservation and sustainable economic growth for local communities. Our visitors can explore thriving forest habitats in the Chocó-Andes Biosphere while contributing directly to the communities protecting this critical ecosystem.

A Chestnut-backed Antbird is a common site at our Milpe Reserve.

Biodiversity & Conservation

Preserving one of Earth’s most diverse regions, we protect Chocó bioregional endemics, threatened species, and migratory birds to maintain this ecological treasure.

Reforestation is an essential part of protecting the Choco-Andes.

Habitat Restoration

Our native tree nurseries and forest connectivity projects restore cloud forest habitats and support emissions compensation programs.

Environmental education funded by our partners at BOS+

Education & Community

We partner with universities and  communities to promote environmental education and awareness. Our initiatives foster a commitment to conservation.

Our Reserves

This map shows the Mindo Cloudforest Foundation properties of Rio Silanche, Milpe, and Tandayapa
Scarlet-breasted Dacnis at Rio Silanche, Ecuador

Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary

Created in 2005, this 100 hectare (247 acre) preserve near Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Ecuador protects 398 species of birds while providing XXX of jobs. It is part of the Caoní River IBA (ECO40).

Club-winged Manakin is a common site at the Milpe Reserve. We give thanks to Glenn Bartley for this wonderful photo.

Milpe Bird Sanctuary

Created in 2004, this 100 hectare (247 acre) preserve near Milpe, Ecuador protects 222 species of birds while providing XXX of jobs. It is part of the Los Bancos – Milpe IBA (EC041).

Red-headed Barbet photographed in the Tandayapa Valley by Angie Drake

Tandayapa Cluster

Created in 2008, this 217 hectare (536 acre) cluster near Tandayapa, Ecuador protects 132 species of birds while providing XXX of jobs. It is part of the Mindo and the Western Flanks of Pichincha IBA (EC043).

“La gran obra de Mindo Cloudforest Foundation es phenomenal.”

“Mindo Cloudforest Foundation’s master plan is phenomenal.”

~ Sandra Patiño, Licensed Bird Guide based in Mindo, Ecuador